Employee misconduct harms workplace harmony, impacts productivity, and harms an organization’s reputation. It encompasses a range of behaviors that violate company policies, ethical standards, or professional expectations.
Examples of misconduct vary widely, from dishonesty and insubordination to harassment and theft. Understanding these behaviors and their implications is essential for maintaining a fair and respectful work environment.
By examining real-world misconduct scenarios, employers and employees can better recognize, address, and prevent these actions, ensuring a healthier and more productive workplace.
What is Employee Misconduct?
The consequences of employee misconduct extend beyond the individual perpetrator. It can create a toxic work environment, lower team morale, and reduce productivity. Moreover, unchecked misconduct can harm an organization’s reputation, leading to difficulties retaining talent and attracting clients or customers.
Addressing misconduct requires clear policies, consistent enforcement, and a workplace culture that prioritizes accountability and ethical behavior. As future professionals and leaders, understanding the nuances of employee misconduct prepares you to foster respectful, compliant workplaces that align with legal standards and organizational values.
Don’t take employee misconduct lightly. According to research by Vault Platform, misconduct cost U.S. businesses $20 billion in 2020.
To learn more, watch the video below or skip ahead to read more.
Types of Employee Misconduct
There are two types of employee misconduct: gross and minor.
Gross Misconduct
Gross misconduct refers to severe violations of workplace policies or ethical standards that are unacceptable and often lead to immediate dismissal. Examples include theft, physical violence, harassment, fraud, or other actions that significantly harm the organization, its employees, or its reputation. Due to the gravity of these offenses, employers are typically justified in bypassing standard disciplinary procedures and terminating the employee without prior warnings.
Minor Misconduct
On the other hand, if an employee fails to perform their work obligations due to personal problems or negligence, it is general misconduct or simple misconduct. The organization has a right to give warnings regarding this type of misconduct. Authorities can take decisive action after providing proper verbal warnings or written notices once or twice. Some examples include missing work frequently due to illness or injuries, taking excessive leave without permission, or being late to work.
To learn how to handle both types of employee misconduct, check our HR Certification Courses.
What are the Different Examples of Employee Misconduct?
As mentioned above, there are many examples of employee misconduct. Let’s go over the most common:
Theft and Fraud
Theft and fraud are some of the worst types of gross misconduct that an employee can commit in any organization. If it gets out, it is illegal, immoral, and highly damaging to a company’s reputation. It can lead to loss of potential customers and legal and financial troubles.
Several forms of fraud exist, including embezzlement, stealing a credit card, tax evasion, and voter or insurance fraud. However, there are other forms of theft and fraud, such as stealing merchandise, using company resources for personal reasons, stealing from co-workers, etc.
Violence is a common type of employee misconduct that occurs in the workplace. The extent to which they happen varies. Some companies have employees who don’t have significant problems with violence, but others struggle with it. It is one of the main reasons companies make clear policies on how employees should conduct themselves at work and that there is zero tolerance for this type of behavior. In cases of violence, immediate dismissal is often the result.
Violence is the threat of physical contact meant to harm another person. It can range from threats of violence or aggressive pushing and shoving to actual bodily injury due to an employee’s violent behavior.
It is also one of the most common types of misconduct. 50% of total misconduct has either been bullying or harassment.
Some examples of workplace violence include bullying, stalking, assault with a deadly weapon, threatening employees, supervisors, or customers, sexual harassment, etc. It is prohibited to carry a weapon or dangerous item in any faculty that provides services to the public, such as hospitals, airports, parking garages, schools, and office buildings.
Employee harassment can involve different forms of verbal and non-verbal communication meant to annoy, demean, threaten, or otherwise create a hostile environment within an organization. The definition of such conduct may vary by location, depending on the local laws. It might involve making threats, harassing messages or rude comments, purposely excluding someone from workplace conversations or activities, etc.
Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment that employers have to deal with. It involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that an employee finds offensive or an act that creates a hostile or abusive work environment.
Use of Drugs and Alcohol
Employees may be required to perform their jobs with a certain level of skill and safety, which might require that they remain sober. When an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job site, it can risk accidents. This type of misconduct can also threaten the company’s image in the case of media involvement. The HR department must take disciplinary action or issue written warnings to an employee who uses drugs during working hours.
Violation of Safety Protocol
Health and safety regulations protect everyone and minimize the risk of accidents in the workplace. This type of misconduct happens in hazardous environments or construction sites but can occur anywhere.
Employees should follow specific safety protocols depending on their roles and the type of work. Employees who violate such protocols can put other employees, clients, and others at risk of injury. Examples include violating federal or local health and safety regulations regarding machinery, watercraft, equipment usage, etc. An employer must handle misconduct related to safety protocol violations urgently, especially at a construction site.
Damage to Goods and Property
Misuse of the property refers to an employee’s intentional or negligent damage, defacing, destruction, alteration, or misuse of any company’s equipment, products, or other necessary assets to complete their duties. This type of misconduct includes willfully breaking company property, tampering with equipment or machinery, damaging organization property by misusing it, intentionally misusing computer systems or files, etc.
Companies often spend a lot of money to purchase tools or equipment for use in the workplace. Employee misconduct of this type affects the company’s budget but can also create a significant safety hazard. Employers need to conduct employee misconduct investigations and handle such issues immediately.
Breach of Confidentiality
Confidentiality agreements protect information given to employees or other individuals based on trust. An employment agreement can vary depending on the job role, industry, and organization.
When an employee’s actions involve revealing sensitive information to an individual or organization without disclosing that they are legally obligated to keep it confidential, this is misconduct.
Misconduct can involve disclosing details about company trade secrets, financial matters, health information, customer lists, or other types of confidential communication. Disclosing personal information without consent and selling private business information to third parties for financial gain are also considered misconduct. An organization must take legal action against such misconduct. A supervisor must handle misconduct and take possible legal action if an employee is found guilty of breach of confidentiality in an investigation process.
Crafting False Credentials
An employee’s education, experience, and skills level can affect their ability to perform specific tasks and be viewed as competent. The organization might require employees to maintain certain attributes throughout their employment to keep them competitive. If an employee falsifies certificates, resumes, or a document related to professional performance or credentials, this represents a form of misconduct.
An example of crafting false documents and credentials can include an employee exaggerating their qualifications on a document, tampering with human resources records to make themselves look better, or altering professional certificates. This type of misconduct can also occur when a candidate for employment lies about schooling or skills during the interview process to secure a job.
Such misconduct can also result in an investigation and legal actions.
Creating False Documentations
Employee misconduct of this nature refers to intentionally or negligently creating or using false documents. It can include reporting misconduct, signing false names in a document to reports or other documentation, or submitting a fake employee’s file. Documents intended to represent a company’s interests must be accurate and trustworthy.
Inaccurate or false documentation can affect the company even if it doesn’t reach outside organizations or individuals. For example, erroneous paperwork within the organization might confuse which records are accurate and true, create a lack of transparency, lead to mistrust among employees, and even give the appearance that the company is not upholding its standards. The firm’s authorities must take interim action by issuing written warnings to employees.
Violation of Company Policy
It’s up to each company to develop policies that work best for their business and employees. Some common company policy violations include coming in late or leaving early, not following dress code guidelines set by the employer, or attending outside meetings without prior approval from a supervisor. It also includes taking excessive breaks, eating or drinking at inappropriate times, falsifying time cards, using company resources for personal reasons, etc.
Any violation of the employer’s policies occurs while working within a particular company. Most employers take misconduct seriously, as it can affect productivity and stability. Employees who violate their established standards or employer could face termination and other disciplinary actions.
How to Handle Employee Misconduct?
Addressing employee misconduct is a delicate process involving several factors, including the accused party’s employment record and past behavior. When an employee commits an act of misconduct, other employees should report misconduct, and managers should respond responsibly. Depending on the type of misconduct, consequences can include verbal warning, final written warning, and immediate termination.
Following are the steps and procedures managers and companies should take to address employee misconduct:
- If employee misconduct occurs in your company, you need to take action. You must determine if the misconduct is severe enough to warrant disciplinary procedures or a verbal warning. If you don’t act quickly, there could be negative consequences for you, your department, and the company.
- Investigate the issue by collecting all relevant information. During an employee misconduct investigation, you should talk with any witnesses. Examine all evidence and review the company’s policies to determine what action to take.
- Write down all the details of the misconduct committed by the employee found via the investigation plan. It should include an account of what happened and who was involved.
- Discuss the issue with the company’s higher authority or legal counsel. Present evidence of the employee’s misconduct.
- Analyze the severity of the employee misconduct. Consider its impact on the company and your department and what actions you should take against the accused individual.
- According to the employee handbook, suggest possible options for disciplinary action against the employee if you find them at fault. When deciding how to address the issue for the employees involved, follow the company’s established processes and procedures.
Handling an employee misconduct investigation isn’t easy. Nevertheless, every business must have a proper process for handling offenses and internal investigations.
It makes the process easier and results in a safer workplace. Good luck.
Here are the most frequently asked questions about employee misconduct.
What constitutes employee misconduct in the workplace?
Employee misconduct is behaviors or actions that violate workplace policies, ethical standards, or expectations. Examples include dishonesty, harassment, or other negative behavior that disrupts the work environment and undermines organizational values. Addressing misconduct promptly is crucial to maintaining a positive workplace culture.
How can employee misconduct negatively affect the workplace?
Misconduct can lead to decreased productivity, reduced employee morale, and strained team dynamics. If not addressed, it can negatively affect the company’s reputation, increase turnover, and even result in legal consequences.
Why do employees hesitate to report misconduct?
One common reason employees may avoid reporting misconduct is fear of retaliation. They may worry about facing professional consequences, damaged relationships, or being ostracized for coming forward. Creating a safe, anonymous, supportive reporting process can help alleviate these concerns.
What steps can organizations take to address employee misconduct?
Organizations should implement clear policies, conduct regular training, and foster an environment where employees feel safe reporting issues without fear of retaliation. Prompt investigations and consistent policy enforcement help ensure fairness and accountability.
How can employers prevent misconduct from escalating?
Employers can prevent misconduct from escalating by addressing issues early and proactively. Regularly communicating expectations, providing channels for feedback, and promoting a culture of accountability can help deter negative behavior before it becomes a larger problem.
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