What is Sabbatical Leave?

Looking for a detailed guide on sabbatical leave? You are in the right place.

The term “sabbatical” comes from the Hebrew word for rest. It means that you have a period off where you do not work. In other words, you get some free time away from your regular duties. It is a paid leave period, so you don’t lose any money by taking these days off. You need to pay for them out of your pocket.

Sabbatical leaves are significant because they allow employees to recharge their batteries and allow engaged employees to think about new ideas and projects. This article will discuss a sabbatical leave and how you can take advantage of this paid or unpaid leave to benefit your career.

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What is Sabbatical Leave?

A sabbatical leave is a paid period during which employees take a break from their normal job duties at the company. It is given after a certain amount of years of service.

The reason that companies offer sabbatical leaves is that it allows the company to retain its best employees. It also gives the employees time to revamp their power and think about new projects and ideas.

Companies often use sabbatical leave to attract top talent. If you want to work at a particular company, ask yourself if they offer it and your sabbatical eligibility.

If they do, make sure that you apply for it. It might become one of the most beneficial things you ever do for your career.

What are the Types of Sabbatical Leave?

There are two types of sabbatical leaves:

  1. Full-time sabbaticals – This type of sabbatical is offered after five years of employment
  2. Part-time sabbaticals – This type of sabbatical is offered after ten years of employment

Both types of sabbatical leave are paid. However, there are different rules regarding each kind of sabbatical. Let’s dive into the details for each type:

1. Full-Time Sabbatical Leaves

When you take a full-time sabbatical, you must notify your employer before you start your leave. Your employer has 30 days to decide about the paid time or whether he wants to keep you on the payroll while you are away.

If he doesn’t, he must compensate you with a lump-sum payment or a salary equivalent to 90% of your current salary.

2. Part-Time Sabbatical Leaves

After ten years of employment, your employer cannot force you to continue working while you are on sabbatical. However, he can choose to let you go or fire you.

If he chooses to let you go, he must pay you the same compensation as when you were fired. If he decides to fire you, he must pay half your salary for six months. Note that a part-time sabbatical is available to those who have completed ten years of service.

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How Long is Sabbatical Leave?

The standard duration of sabbatical leave is 6 months. However, the duration sometimes ranges from one month to a period of 2 years. Each company has its sabbatical leave policy for sabbatical leaves based on its level of professionalism, flexibility, and resources. Thus, the period for sabbatical leaves varies from company to company; however, the length is often 6 months.

Do You Get Paid for Sabbatical Leave?

Getting paid depends on the type of sabbatical leave you’re on. Companies offer paid and unpaid sabbatical leaves based on the work terms and conditions, and there are different types of sabbaticals. Some are paid, some are unpaid, and others are partially reimbursed. Here are some examples of sabbatical leave:

1. Paid Sabbatical Leave

Paid sabbatical leaves are often for a shorter period, and you get paid for these types of leaves. You are entitled to a certain number of days off yearly for paid sabbaticals. It means that you can take up to a maximum of, let’s say, 40 days off per year. However, you must follow your employer’s rules if you are looking to request sabbatical leave for an extended period.

2. Unpaid Sabbatical Leave

Unpaid sabbatical leaves are widespread among senior managers and eligible employees. Such leaves are unpaid; thus, unpaid sabbatical leaves have longer durations.

3. Partial-Paid Sabbatical Leave

Partial sabbatical leave allows employees to take part of their full salary or a specific percentage for a specific time.

What are the Benefits of Taking Sabbatical Leaves?

Taking a sabbatical leave is one of the best decisions you can make for your career. Here are some of the employee benefits of doing so:

1. Recharge Your Stigma

As mentioned earlier, sabbatical leave is designed to allow you to recharge your batteries. You can regain energy and focus on new ideas and projects by taking a few days off. It will help you develop new ways to improve your performance at work.

2. Gain New Skills

While you are on sabbatical leave, you can learn new skills. For example, you might learn to code in a new language or develop an app.

3. Get More Done

One of the most significant benefits of requesting sabbatical leave is that it helps you complete tasks faster than usual. You can work longer hours without feeling tired while on sabbatical leave.

4. Earn More

In general, sabbatical leave is unpaid. However, you can negotiate higher pay if you are lucky enough to get a job offer from another company while on sabbatical leave.

5. Improve Relationships With Colleagues

Many people don’t realize that a sabbatical leave is an excellent opportunity to meet new colleagues. During your sabbatical leave, connect with people outside your department. This way, you can build relationships with people who share similar interests.

6. More Opportunities

Another benefit of paid sabbatical leave, when you plan to return to work after 12 months, is that it creates opportunities for you. For example, if you want to become a freelancer, the Sabbatical period is the best time to launch your business.

Sabbatical Leave Rules and Policy: What Do They Look?

A basic sabbatical policy is similar to a sabbatical leave policy template and should include the following elements:

  • A description of what constitutes sabbatical leave
  • The amount of time you are going on sabbatical leave
  • How to place a sabbatical request

Sabbatical leave rules

The length of your sabbatical depends on several factors, including age, experience level, and position within the organization. Some fundamental issues to consider in a sabbatical leave include the following:

  • Sabbatical period- how long do you plan to take off?
  • Do you need to apply for sabbatical leave?
  • Can you extend your sabbatical leave? If yes, how many times?
  • During your sabbatical leave, will you receive additional benefits like travel allowance, health insurance, etc.?

In addition to these questions, you must consider other things before deciding whether to take a sabbatical leave. Last, you must first discuss it with your manager when you take a sabbatical leave.

Final Remarks

If you plan to take a sabbatical, talk to your boss about it. Your boss needs to understand why you want to take a sabbatical and what you hope to gain by leaving. Moreover. it’s important to note that all companies can’t offer sabbatical leaves; if some do, note that all companies do not offer paid sabbatical leaves.

Thus, make sure that you conduct proper research on company rules and regulations before applying for sabbatical leave to pursue personal interests.


Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers related to the sabbatical leave program:

Does sabbatical leave mean a break?

The sabbatical term means a break from work during which employees can pursue their interests, like traveling, volunteering, or performing other activities (or even rest).

What are the disadvantages of the sabbatical program?

Administrative and cost problems are the most common negative aspects of offering sabbaticals to any faculty member. Other downsides are emotional disconnect from the company based on the duration and decreased employee morale as work shifts to employees covering for those on sabbatical.

What is the difference between a career break and a sabbatical?

Career breaks describe longer periods of unpaid vacation, during which the employment contract of faculty members is usually discontinued. However, the company may agree that the employee can return within a certain period of the sabbatical year. On the other hand, sabbaticals are often for short periods, and the contract continues typically for tenured faculty members.

What is the purpose of a sabbatical?

A sabbatical leave is when employees take an extended break from work. The reasons behind taking a sabbatical leave can differ from pursuing a degree in an academic year preceding, working on a personal project, traveling the world, or spending time with family.


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Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter is the founder of HR.University. He's a certified HR professional and has managed global teams across 5 different continents including their benefits and payroll. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here.