7 Interview Appointment Letter Templates

Wondering what interview appointment letter templates look like? Read the article to find out more. 

What are Interview Appointment Letters?

An interview appointment letter helps transfer information between an interviewer and an interviewee. These appointment letters vary according to different circumstances. It can be a professional interview appointment letter or a cancellation. The interviewer can write a letter informing the job applicant when an interview has been rescheduled or acknowledge his job application and resume.

On the other hand, the respondent can write to the interviewer requesting that for a rescheduling of an interview, decline the interview invitation, or inquire for more details about the interview. Therefore, there are several types of interview appointment letters. This article contains different interview appointment letter templates.

Job Interview Appointment Letter Template

This letter is written by an interviewer to an interviewee, informing him that the application for the job has been received. The letter includes information about the interview date and when the respondent needs to arrive. 

Dear (name of the appointee)

This letter is to notify you that the hiring agency has received your application for the job the (post applied for) post in our company. Hence, we would like to appoint you for the interview on (date of the interview) at (time of the interview) in the morning. You are instructed to bring with you all the documents and other necessities that have been mentioned to you earlier also.

We expect your presence on the given date. If you have any problem with the given date, you must contact our office and write another application to get a new date. Any delay in your processes will lead to the cancellation of your appointment.

Yours truly, name and designation.

Interview Appointment Letter Template for Cancellation

An interviewee pens this letter to the interviewer explaining an inconvenience deterring them from attending the interview. The interviewee apologizes to keep the good relations between himself and the hiring company.

Dear (name),

I am (name) writing this letter to report that I will not be able to attend the meeting on the scheduled date. I am on bed rest as I went through an operation last week. I am writing this to ask for an interview appointment request as I don’t want to miss a good opportunity. You can contact me at any time if any issue arises. I feel incredibly regretful as I was looking forward to being a potential employee at the company.

Yours Sincerely, name and designation.

Interview Appointment Letter of Confirmation

This letter is a response by the interviewee to the interview invitation letter and to show acceptance of the interview. In addition, the interviewee assures the hiring company that he will attend on the set date.

Dear Mr. /Ms./Mrs.

I am looking forward to attending the meeting appointment you have arranged with me, I will be at your office to participate in the meeting, and I am more than happy to work with you. Thank you for this opportunity. If there is any issue regarding the date or if there is any rescheduling, please do not waver to contact me on my number.

Thank you for this great chance.

Yours Sincerely, 

Human resources office,

(Name of company)

Interview Appointment Letter of Employment

The interviewer writes this letter to the interviewee to let them know they have been considered one of the job applicants. The letter also gives a deadline for the successful candidate to report to his workstation. If not, we will presume he is not interested in the job offer.

Dear [Name],

  1. This is about your application and interview for employment in [company name]
  2. We intend to appoint you as a [role] at [company name], [address]. The terms and conditions as mutually agreed upon at the interview and herein set forth. The company will issue you a letter of appointment with detailed terms and conditions.
  3.  You are requested to report for joining the office at the earliest but not later than [date]. If you do not report by the stipulated date, we will presume that you are not interested in the offer and withdraw without further reference.
  4. This offer is subject to you clearing the reference and credit checks in due course of time. This offer will only stand if you can clear these checks.
  5. A duplicate copy of this letter needs to be returned to us duly signed as a token of having accepted the offer.

Interview Appointment Letter to Reschedule

The interviewee can write a letter requesting for his appointment to be rescheduled. In the letter, the interviewee must give a concrete explanation for his request. At the same time, he needs to attach solid evidence supporting his complaints. For example, such evidence can include hospital records and doctor’s remarks if the interviewee’s complaint is an illness.

Request to Reschedule Interview Appointment

I have read the information on your website and meet one of the conditions approved for submitting an interview appointment rescheduling request. However, I also understand that if the company cannot reschedule my assigned appointment, I must either accept my original appointment or my application can be canceled.

Signature of Applicant Date

[You must complete this request in its entirety and submit any supporting documentation requested. The company will not consider any incomplete requests.] 

Please print or type the following:


Telephone number, 


Your original interview appointment

I am proposing this request because I meet the approved condition as documented on the company website (click one): 

□ Medical Emergency or Illness [letter of proof from health care provider attached.] 

□ Conflict with a Religious Observance. State the Observance.

New Appointment [date]

Interview Appointment Letter for Employee

The interviewee writes this letter to the hiring company after going through a successful interview. The letter contains pledges that the successful applicant makes to the company and vows that he will fulfill them. 

[Date, Month, Year]

[Candidate Name]

[Address Line 1], [City], [State], [Pincode]

Subject: Appointment for the post of [Designation]

Dear [Mr./Ms.] [Name],

We are happy to offer you the position of [designation] with [company name] on the following terms and conditions:

Beginning of employment

Your employment contract will be effective as of [Starting Date, Month, Year]

Job title

Your job role will be [designation], and you will respond to [Mr.] [name], [Supervisor role]


Your salary and other benefits are in Schedule 1.

Place of posting

The company will post you at [City, State]. You can, however, be required to work at any place of business that the company has or can later contract.

Hours of Work

The average working days are [Start Day] through [End Day]. You will be required to work for such hours as necessary for the proper discharge of your duties to the company. The regular working hours are from [Start Time] to [End Time], and you must be able to work not less than [Number of Hours] hours each week, and if necessary, for some extra hours depending on your responsibilities.


6.1 You are entitled to a casual leave of [number] days.

6.2 You are permitted to [sick leave] working days of paid sick leave.

Yours Sincerely, [Name of Supervisor], [Supervisor Designation], [Date]

Visa Interview Appointment Letter Format

A Visa Interview Appointment Letter is a piece of a detailed and confidential written document, majorly written by embassies across the world. When individuals apply for Visas at embassies, the chances of getting an interview letter are usually high.

Dear Applicant,

The person documented on the attached appointment letter must appear in [address] on the date and time specified in the appointment letter. If any person(s) listed on the attached letter cannot come to the appointment, please inform the consulate by email to [email protected] as soon as possible. To prep for your interview, please heed the attached instructions.

On the day of your appointment, be punctual and,

  • Bring your interview appointment letter (if applicable).
  •  If you found your visa interview appointment date on the website but do not have an interview letter, you must reach the Consular Section waiting area on the day of your scheduled appointment. You will be permitted to enter only at the time of your scheduled appointment.
  •  Make sure that everyone mentioned on the appointment letter brings all required documents. Organize documents in the order found in the List of Documents below.
  • You are accountable for all information provided in your application. All information is subject to proof.
  • The visa interview procedure can take several hours. Please be ready to clear your schedule.


An Interview Appointment Letter is a document full of details sent by a hiring agent to a job-seeking a candidate as a reminder. It can vice versa go to an applying candidate who, on their part, would want an interview set up.

The important letter assists the two parties, the employer and the seeking candidate, in avoiding mistakes and creating better time allocation. While it also makes the application clearer and more straightforward, it further gives some level of guarantee on the available job.


Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter is the founder of HR.University. He's a certified HR professional and has managed global teams across 5 different continents including their benefits and payroll. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here.